Book Chapters
1. Tanyeri M, and Tay S
“Viable cell culture in PDMS-based microfluidic devices”
Methods in Cell Biology, Volume 148
Microfluidics in Cell Biology Part C: Microfluidics for Cellular and Subcellular Analysis (2018)
Editors: Daniel A. Fletcher, Junsang Doh and Matthieu Piel, ISBN: 978-0-12-814284-4, Elsevier.

2. Tanyeri M, and Schroeder CM
“Flow-based particle trapping and manipulation”
Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics (2014) Article ID: 347830, Chapter ID: 1770 (ed. Dongqing Li), Springer.
Journal Publications
20. Mustafa A, Ertas Uslu M, and Tanyeri M
“Optimizing Sensitivity in a Fluid-Structure Interaction-Based Microfluidic Viscometer: A Multiphysics Simulation Study”
Sensors (2023) 23(22), 9265. DOI:

19. Yang B, Schinke J, Rastegar A, Tanyeri M, and Viator JA
“Cost-Effective Full-Color 3D Dental Imaging Based on Close-Range Photogrammetry”
Bioengineering (2023) 10(11), 1268. DOI: 10.3390/bioengineering10111268.

18. Mustafa A, Haider D, Barua A, Tanyeri M, Erten A, and Yalcin O
“Machine learning based microfluidic sensing device for viscosity measurements”
Sensors and Diagnostics (2023) 2, 1509-1520. DOI: 10.1039/d3sd00099k.

17. Boyd J, Hepner G, Ujhazy M, Bliss S, and Tanyeri M
“Dual hydrodynamic trap based on coupled stagnation point flows”
Physics of Fluids (2023) 35, 062001. DOI: 10.1063/5.0150089.

16. Mustafa A, Eser A, Aksu AC, Kiraz A, Tanyeri M, Erten A, and Yalcin O
“A micropillar-based microfluidic viscometer for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids”
Analytica Chimica Acta (2020) 1135 107-115.

15. Watterson WJ, Tanyeri M, Watson AR, Cham CM, Shan Y, Chang EB, Eren AM, and Tay S
“Droplet-based high-throughput cultivation for accurate screening of antibiotic resistant gut microbes”
eLife (2020) 9:e56998.

14. Evans A, Sutton K, Hernandez S, and Tanyeri M
“Viscoelastic Hemostatic Assays – A Quest for Holy Grail of Coagulation Monitoring in Trauma Care”
Journal of Annals of Bioengineering (2019) (1) 61-64.

13. Mustafa A, Erten A, Ayaz R, Kayillioglu O, Eser A, Irfan M, Muradoglu M, Tanyeri M, and Kiraz A
“Enhanced dissolution of liquid microdroplets in the extensional creeping flow of a hydrodynamic trap”
Langmuir (2016) 32 (37) 9460-9467.

12. Shenoy A, Tanyeri M, and Schroeder CM
“Characterizing the performance of the hydrodynamic trap using a control-based approach”
Microfluidics and Nanofluidics (2015) 18 (5) 1055-1066.

11. Johnson-Chavarria EM, Agrawal U, Tanyeri M, Kuhlman TE, and Schroeder CM
“Automated single cell microbioreactor for monitoring intracellular dynamics and cell growth in free solution”
Lab on a Chip (2014) 14 (15) 2688-2697.

10. Marciel AB, Tanyeri M, Wall BD, Tovar JD, Schroeder CM, and Wilson WL
“Fluidic-directed assembly of aligned oligopeptides with π-conjugated cores”
Advanced Materials (2013) 25 (44) 6398-6404.

9. Tanyeri M, and Schroeder CM
“Manipulation and confinement of single particles using fluid flow”
Nano Letters (2013) 13 (6) 2357-2364.

8. Kim Y, Kim SH, Tanyeri M, Katzenellenbogen JA, and Schroeder CM
“Dendrimer probes for enhanced photostability and localization in fluorescence imaging”
Biophysical Journal (2013) 104 (7) 1566-1575.

7. Tanyeri M, Ranka M, Sittipolkul N, and Schroeder CM
“Microfluidic Wheatstone bridge for rapid sample analysis”
Lab on a Chip (2011) 11 (24) 4181-4186.

6. Tanyeri M, Ranka M, Sittipolkul N, and Schroeder CM
“A microfluidic-based hydrodynamic trap: Design and implementation”
Lab on a Chip (2011) 11 (10) 1786-1794.
(selected for the May 23, 2011 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology)

5. Schudel BR, Tanyeri M, Mukherjee A, Schroeder CM, and Kenis PJA
“Multiplexed detection of nucleic acids in a combinatorial screening chip”
Lab on a Chip (2011) 11 (11) 1916-1923.

4. Johnson-Chavarria EM, Tanyeri M, and Schroeder CM
“A microfluidic-based hydrodynamic trap for single particles”
Journal of Visualized Experiments (2011) (47) DOI: 10.3791/2517.

3. Tanyeri M, Johnson-Chavarria EM, and Schroeder CM
“Hydrodynamic trap for single particles and cells”
Applied Physics Letters (2010) 96 224101.
(selected for the June 14, 2010 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology)

2. Tanyeri M, and Kennedy IM
“Detecting single bacterial cells through optical resonances in microdroplets”
Sensor Letters (2008) Vol. 6 No. 2 p. 326-329.
(cover article)

1. Tanyeri M, Perron R, and Kennedy IM
“Lasing droplets in a microfabricated channel”
Optics Letters (2007) Vol. 32 Issue 17 p. 2529-2531.
(highlighted in and Photonics Spectra, October 2007)

Conference Proceedings
11. Hoying M, Kazimer B, Evans A, Carbino B, Sutton K, McCallin R, McGee A
“Project MADMEN: Proposed Analogue Fidelity Comparison to ALIEN Martian Mission”
IEEE Aerospace Conference (AERO) (2022), Big Sky, MT, USA, p. 01-10, DOI: 10.1109/AERO53065.2022.9843386.5.
10. Kayillioglu O, Erten A, Tanyeri M, and Kiraz A
“Dye Lasing and Laminar Flow-Induced Dissolution in Hydrodynamically Trapped Oil Microdroplets”
OSA Technical Digest (2015) pp. OtW2D.4 Optical Trapping Applications 2015.
9. Kayillioglu O, Erten A, Kiraz A and Tanyeri M
“Hydrodynamic Trapping of Oil Microdroplets in Glycerol-Water Solution”
Proc. BiyoMUT (2014) BIYOMUT 2014: 18th National Biomedical Engineering Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey.
8. Tanyeri M, and Schroeder CM
“Confinement and manipulation of single nanoparticles in free solution using a hydrodynamic trap”
Proc. NanoTR (2014) 10th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
7. Tanyeri M
“Confinement of single macromolecules in free solution using a hydrodynamic trap”
Proc. SPIE (2014) Vol. 8976 p. 89760F Microfluidics, BioMEMS, and Medical Microsystems XII.
6. Tanyeri M, and Schroeder CM
“2-D micromanipulation of single nanoparticles in free solution using a microfluidic trap”
Proc. MicroTAS (2011) 15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences.
5. Schudel BR, Tanyeri M, Schroeder CM, and Kenis PJA
“Total internal reflection fluorescence of molecular beacons in a multiplexed microfluidic device”
Proc. MicroTAS (2009) Vol. 1 p. 36-38 13th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences.
4. Tanyeri M, Perron R, and Kennedy IM
“Lasing droplets in a microfluidic T-junction device with integrated optics”
Proc. SPIE (2007) Vol. 6465 p. 64650E Microfluidics, BioMEMS, and Medical Microsystems V.
3. Tanyeri M, Dosev DK, and Kennedy IM
“Chemical and biological sensing through optical resonances in pendant droplets”
Proc. SPIE (2005) Vol. 6008 p. 60080Q Nanosensing: Materials and Devices II.
2. Tanyeri M, Nichkova M, Hammock BD, and Kennedy IM
“Chemical and biological sensing through optical resonances in microcavities”
Proc. SPIE (2005) Vol. 5699 p. 227-236 Imaging, Manipulation, and Analysis of Biomolecules and Cells: Fundamentals and Applications III.
1. Tanyeri M, and Kennedy IM
“Microdroplets for integrated high-sensitivity biosensors”
Proc. SPIE (2004) Vol. 5275 p. 133-140 BioMEMS and Nanotechnology.
1. Tanyeri M, Lin J, Abasiyanik F, Angarita Marmolejo YD
“Rapid Enumeration of Microorganisms”
US Application No: 63/184,447 (May 5, 2021), WO 2022/235284 (Nov 10, 2022)..
2. Yalcin O, Erten A, Tanyeri M
“Microfluidic Thromboelastometry Instrument”
US Patent 11,998,911 B2 (Jun 4, 2024), WO 2020/027741 (Feb 6, 2020), EP3830573 (Jul 29, 2018).
3. Kim Y, Kim SH, Tanyeri M, Katzenellenbogen JA, and Schroeder CM
“Dye-conjugated dendrimers”
US Patent 9,448,173 (September 20 2016).
4. Tanyeri M, Perron R, and Kennedy IM
“Optical resonances in droplets in a microchannel”
WO Patent 2,008,030,281 (March 14 2008).